Material didáctico

La IMBA, escuela internacional de formación en las artes de combate tradicionales Tailandesas, ha producido en el curso de los últimos años, una serie de material didáctico (libros videos y dvd) para facilitar la obra de instructores y alumnos miembros de la Academia y también para aquellos no pertenecientes a ella.

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Combat Mai Kred video Las técnicas de Muay Boran (Mai Muay Boran) son habilidades nacidas en batalla que, en épocas pasadas, han ayudado a los guerreros siameses a sobrevivir a innumerables enfrentamientos con soldados enemigos, tanto armados como desarmados. Después del entrenamiento inicial en conceptos básicos de combate, Mae Mai (técnicas madre), todos los alumnos […]

IMBA Muay Pram book By Grand Master Marco De Cesaris El arte de la lucha tailandesa Este libro es un viaje a través de la historia, la mitología, la ciencia y el arte de la disciplina de la lucha tailandesa. A partir de un análisis detallado y riguroso de los dictados técnicos de la antigua […]

Este libro es la primera guía detallada del sistema de entrenamiento del Muay Boran IMBA. Aprender a realizar técnicas de Muay Boran de cualquier estilo sin tener los atributos físicos y mentales para ponerlas en práctica de manera efectiva es una pérdida de tiempo. El entrenamiento es un elemento crucial en la preparación de cada […]

Encontrar información sobre el Muay Boran de buena calidad y más aún, en idioma español, es una tarea exhaustiva para aquel que necesita material con qué nutrir su hambre de conocimiento. En este volumen, el primero de una serie de tres libros, el Gran Maestro Marco de Cesaris expone sin restricciones la manera correcta de […]

Compre su copia en Amazon Desde un pasado remoto llega hasta nosotros la antigua sabiduría guerrera del pueblo Tailandés. Partiendo del análisis detallado de un manuscrito original, el autor (una de las máximas autoridades mundiales en el sector de las artes de lucha siamés) ha sistematizado y actualizado los principios y las técnicas de lucha […]

Las Técnicas de Look Mai son las reales “armas secretas” que todo Bramarjan (Gran Maestro) de Muay Thai Boran del pasado guardó celosamente, revelándolos sólo a sus más leales estudiantes. Los verdaderos expertos del Muay Tradicional usan las estrategias de Look Mai para contra ataques de cualquier tipo: golpes de puños, patadas, codos y rodillas […]

“Combat Muay Boran” by Marco De Cesaris El Combat Muay Boran es un estilo de lucha tradicional, original de Tailandia, estructurado para pelear con manos desnudas. En comparación con la lucha coreografiada tan popular hoy en día en las películas y demostraciones de artes marciales, el objetivo principal de combate de Muay Boran es hacer […]

Manual para los instructores de Muay Boran IMBA. Edición limitada. Solo para miembros de la Academia. (193 páginas – en color)

Por primera vez, tras años de estudios e investigaciones, es posible presentar al público occidental un análisis profundo de las estrategias de combate más avanzadas y letales de la Tradición Siamesa (Muay Thai): El Muay Thai Boran Look Mai. Las Técnicas de Look Mai son las reales “Armas Secretas” que todo Bramarjan (Gran Maestro) de […]

Por decadas olvidadas en la misma madre patria y, mas recientemente vueltas en auge como movimientos para mostrar durante las exibiciones,las 15 Formas y tecnicas tradicionales denominadas Mae Mai Muay Thai o tecnicas (Mai) fundamentales (Mae) de la lucha (Muay) Thai,representan en realidad un tesoro tecnico-cultural que tiene que ser preservado a cualquier precio. Las […]

This new book by Marco De Cesaris, published in five languages, deals with Muay Boran advanced techniques, for the first time revealed in the Western World. The author produced four more books and 15 technical videos but never explained in details the technical subjects treated in this new book, as all the Muay Thai Boran […]

This is the fourth book by Arjarn Marco De Cesaris of Italy, but the very first written in English by the author (actually it is published in 5 languages Italian, German, French, Spanish and English) about Muay Thai Boran, the result of many years of work to collect the best strategies, training methods and traditional […]

La Muay Boran è la versione attualizzata della Muay Thai Tradizionale più completa e scientifica: nel suo bagaglio tecnico sono compresi i migliori elementi degli antichi stili regionali e tematici dell’originale pugilato thailandese, che negli ultimi cinquant’anni erano praticamente scomparsi dalla madrepatria della disciplina a causa del preponderante interesse per gli aspetti sportivi e commerciali […]

La Muay Thai o Boxe Thailandese può essere definita a ragione l’arte marziale del duemila:inarrestabile e spettacolare, ha avuto negli ultimi anni un enorme aumento di popolarità grazie alla sua particolare efficacia.Questo volume illustra le origini dell’arte, le metodologie di allenamento dei combattenti professionitsti thai e le tecniche fondamentali.Il presente libro è il primo libro […]

I Rituali della Muay Thai,l’abbigliamento, le posizioni di guardia:tutto è spiegato e illustrato con il supporto di oltre 200 fotografie, prima di passare alle vere tecniche di attacco (Chern Muay). In queste lezioni, l’uso delle varie tecniche è accuratamente descritto ed illustrato, in modo da poterle apprendere sia leggendo, sia osservando.Ogni tecnica può combinarsi con […]

Las 15 formas técnicas tradicionales, Mae Mai o Mai Khru Thai, lejos de representar simples movimientos ofensivos o defensivos, son la esencia de un sistema completo de lucha, enormemente rico y sofisticado. Después de años de investigación, Ajarn Marco De Cesaris ha compilado las formas, métodos y técnicas en una nueva serie de 2 volúmenes. […]

The 15 traditional technical forms, Mae Mai or Mai Khru Thai, far from representing just simple offensive or defensive movements, are the essence of a complete system of fight, enormously rich and sophisticated. After years of research, Ajarn Marco De Cesaris has compiled the forms, methods and techniques in a new series of 2 volumes. […]

A good Muay Boran expert must be able to use anything that can help him to overcome one or multiple opponents: flying techniques are a very good way to defeat even the strongest enemy. In Muay Boran almost every body part is used to attack while jumping: head, shoulders, fists, forearms, elbows, hips, knees, feet. […]

In this new DVD, Arjarn Marco de Cesaris shows for the first time the fundamental training form that will allow you to train the 15 basic elbow strikes of Muay Thai Boran, the most effective applications of each technique, the training methods and a special section of strike combinations. An indispensable work for combat sport […]

If you like Muay Thai but you don’t want to become a competitor, you like working out “hard”, but you don’t want to be hit “hard”, Muay Boran opens the door to a complete art through which you can fulfill yourself as a person. Arjarn Marco de Cesaris brings us Muay Boran and a new […]

Muay Kaard Chiek, boxing with wrapped hands, is the most spectacular form of empty hand combat used in the traditional Martial Art of Muay Boran. It is the result of combining the traditional methods of training to condition the tibias, knees and elbows, as well as hands, wrists and forearms, with all the sophisticated know-how […]

In the teaching section, you will learn the basic techniques Naka Bid Hang, Paksa Waek Rang, Morn Yan Lak, and Hak Nguang Ayara with their variations, their combinations, and application to the Paos (thai pads), as well as Mae Mai combinations. The video is completed with sequences recorded in Thailand with technical demonstrations of Mae […]

Arjarn Marco de Cesaris uncovers for us one of the lesser-known branches of Muay Thai: Chap Ko, the learning of grappling techniques, which complement the Thai arsenal of self-defense: pushes, “Chap Ko” grabs combined with elbow and knee strikes, “Wiang” throws and work to improve strikes working on Pao thai pads. Author: Marco De Cesaris […]

Marco de Cesaris, one of the pillars of Muay Thai in Europe, introduces us to all the possible ways to develop skills, strength and precision by means of training with gear and equipment. In Phasom Muay Thai we are shown grabs, “Thai pads work”, the correct way to strike… including ko combinations and how to […]

Master De Cesaris presents his Conditioned Sparring work out where we will study defense training and counterattack training based on 15 types of basic attacks and 5 types of multiple attacks (series of punches, kicks and combinations), with their corresponding applications to Impact Training with various kinds of pads. This video is an indispensable guide […]

Muay Boran classifies fighters into 5 large groups: fighters, boxers, kickers, “elbow strikers” and stylists. Assisted by Marco de Cesaris, Master Pimu illustrates for us examples of the appropriate techniques for each of these. Author: Marco De Cesaris-Pimu Production: Budo International

A real technical progression has arisen out of the friendly cooperation of these two Masters, that combines the most efficient actions executed standing up according to Muay Thai Boran (the traditional Thai style represented by De Cesaris), with Vacirca Jiu-Jitsu’s submissions (BJJ style taught by Franco Vacirca and his brother Demetrio), all mixed together with […]

On this video, for the first time and from the hands of Arjarn Marco de Cesaris, you will find a systematic approach to the use of one indispensable piece of training equipment, the heavy bag : you will learn, among other things, how to develop cardio-vascular stamina and muscular explosiveness in your arm and leg […]

Girati nel 1992 tra la Thailandia (presso il mitico Pinsinchai Camp di Bangkok) e l’Italia, questi primi video istruttivi di Muay Thai risalgono all’epoca “eroica” della Arte Thailandese nel nostro paese. Ogni video contiene un combattimento “d’epoca” registrato presso il Ranjadamnern Stadium di Bangkok. 1. I calci della Muay Thai 2. Le tecniche difensive 3. […]