Basic technique

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IMBA Lert Rit Curriculum is based upon seven technical Pillars or Mae Mai Muay Lert Rit and 31complimentary or advanced strategies, Look Mai Muay Lert Rit. A deep knowledge of basic and advanced Muay Thai Boran techniques (called Mae Mai-Look Mai Muay Thai) is needed as a starting point upon which a real understanding of Lert Rit can be built . From a general point of view the basic curriculum is based upon the use of the following elements:
Low kicks: roundhouse or straight kicks aimed no higher than the belt line
Elbow strikes: both slashing and piercing aiming to crush the bones, break the joints, cause concussions or damaging the t-zone of the opponent
Knee strikes: executed both with and without a grab
Headbutts : similarly executed both with and without a grab
Hand strikes: mainly open hand strikes, (palm, thumb or fingers used as a knife), forearm strikes; punches are encouraged only after the trainee has undergone a specific training for Bare Knuckle Boxing techniques
Muay Pram: extensive training in thai grappling is needed since the very beginning stage oftraining. Any IMBA Lert Rit trainee must be at ease at very close range and every technique must be possibly applied in close combat.
Close range is where a Lert Rit expert is more at ease; real fights usually happen at a very close range and most Lert Rit fighting strategies specialize in close combat situations.
A Lert Rit practitioner, beside being able to powerfully strike from a close distance by his elbows, knees, head, forearms, hands, while firmly holding his opponent thanks to a repertoire of specialized grappling holds, must learn to apply, if the situation requires, a series of incapacitating, explosive arm or neck locks.
The basic Muay Thai Chap Ko (neck hold) is trained extensively to become second nature and if properly applied, it is enough to render the opponent unconscious by combining the strenght of the hold with a quick barrage of knee, head and elbow strikes. Moreover, a properly applyed Chap Ko hold is the starting point to execute a series of unbalancing and throwing techniques. Hard throwing techniques (Tum Tap) complete the technical mix, adding a finishing touch to the tool box of any experienced Lert Rit fighter.
Any confrontation will be faced aggressively, bringing the fight to the opponent following 3basic step:
1. Engagement (aggressive defence based on preemptive striking)
2. Grappling to knock down (throwing or hitting opponent’s vital spots)
3. Finalizing the opponent on the ground (kneeing, stomping or breaking techniques).
IMBA Lert Rit Look Mai are structured to put the trainee in conditions to properly apply the 3 basic steps of fighting. Learning how to get close to the opponent and how to manage to fight at very close range is of paramount importance, according to Lert Rit fighting strategy.

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IMBA Muay Lert Rit’s approach to combat is structured around striking (hitting the opponent as hard as possible), throwing and, once on the ground, finishing the enemy with kicks or knee drops. The taking down phase is, as we have seen, of crucial importance for implementing this general strategy. The technique shown here is one […]

This technique’s entry phase involves the insertion of the executioner’s arms inside the attacker’s. As far as the second step is concerned, the neck wrap is performed from above, using the whole arm and not just with the hands and wrists, as it is done when executing Hak Kor Erawan maneuver. The enemy’s head is […]

One of the primary goals of the fighter must be to take the opponent’s back so that he can be more easily dispatched. This same principle is part of the all-time fundamental approaches to fighting in many cultures: the attack from the rear, though reprehensible according to the chivalrous code of combat, must be used […]

If you control the head (of the opponent), you control the whole body: in the wrestlers’ world, this saying is well known and for a reason. Even if they are confronting a trained opponent with well-developed neck muscles, thai boxers are highly skilled in applying Muay Thai’s trademark neck hold, Chap Ko: by locking one […]

The corner of the chin has always been considered in Muay as a privileged target: an elbow strike or punch that reaches that sensitive area, is an optimal solution to floor an opponent with one single shot. However, only a foolish person or someone taken by surprise exposes his chin without reason. It is therefore […]

Clench the fist tightly and strike with little finger’s side. The side of fist as well as forearm (ulna) can be used as hitting surface. On impact, maximum weight transfer is is required, driving into the target. Preferred targets are face, side of neck, top or side of head, back of neck.

Muay Lert Rit kicks are basically low line strikes. Straight kicks or round kicks are delivered below the belt’s line for two main reasons: in the first place low kicks are safer and secondly they are usually more powerful than high kicks. • Low kicks are safe. When we target the groin or legs of […]

Real fighting takes place at close range: being able to subdue opponents in close range combat is the chief goal of Lert Rit training. Before becoming a sport oriented fighting discipline, Muay Thai was a precious tool in the arsenal of siamese soldiers who employed barehanded techniques together with swords, spears, axes and knives. Battlefield […]

Rad Nguang Aiyara is a basic defense against a body kick; the kick’s impact is absorbed by sidestepping and grabbing the attacking leg. The opponent is then quickly thrown down and controlled on the ground.

Graisorn Kham Huai is a low side kick aimed at the opponent’s knee. Best performed with a diagonal step at the same time as the opponent is kicking (straight kick to the groin or face), thus making this counter technique virtually unstoppable.